In General
We are earth science enthusiasts whose hobby is gems, minerals and fossils!  Member interests
include Paleontology, Fossil Collecting, Geology, Mineral Collecting, Lapidary Arts, Faceting, Stone
Carving, Knapping, Gems, Gem Trees, and Jewelry Making ( channel work, silversmithing,
goldsmithing, wire wrap, beads, and more).

The club is involved in educational activities, field trips, demonstrations, swap meets, and other
kinds of fun and exciting get-togethers.

The purpose of this society shall be an educational relationship among its members for exchange
of the results of such studies and classifications with similar societies and the public.

The Oklahoma Mineral and Gem Society, Inc. is affiliated with, and is a member of, the Oklahoma
State Council of Mineralogical Societies, the
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies,
and the
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.

Monthly Meetings
Our general meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Will Rogers
Garden Exhibition Building, 3400 NW 36th St., Oklahoma City, OK.  Board meetings are held on the
second Thursday.  There will be no regular meetings in June or in

Work Nights
We also have two Work Nights at 6:00pm on the first Monday AND the second Tuesday of each
month when we meet informally to share information, teach each other, and work together on

Other Events
June (club picnic) and December (Christmas Party) are exceptions; times and places for these
events will be announced and published.

Adult Members - Open to anyone 18 years of age or older.  Contingent upon payment of
membership fee and Board approval

Are you interested in joining?  Send us an email.
About OMGS


President:  Doug Pollitt 
Vice President:  Ken Smith 
Secretary:  Will Shaffer
Treasurer: Kelly Shaffer
Directors (one year)Steve Oram, Sherrie Oram, Tom Nutter, Theron James
Directors (two year):  Dale Moore, Keith Causey, Allyssa Gutierrez
Procurement Officer:  Theron James
Rockologist:  Ken Smith
Chair:  Cecilia Evans, Melinda Keith, Alvina Knispel 
Field Trips
Chair:  Cecilia Evans
Librarian:  Dick Opalka